An intimate peek into my past. The path that led me to My Creative Agency

^The picture above is me at 27 years old in Australia where I lived for around a year before I returned to Europe.


I have been a graphic designer for around 17 years now, and it wasn’t an easy road. I started a four year graphic design course at sixteen and it wasn’t challenging enough for

me. At the time that I started I wanted to become a magazine editor and over time I realised that would not be it for me. I worked hard in my final year on my projects even though I skipped most of the classes and could not enjoy the internships as much as I hoped I would. I got burned out, depressed an confused what to do next. Took a gap year to consider options and help my parents in their company and then moved to England to start a new life with my boyfriend at the time and do another degree there.




I chose Fashion Promotion & Imaging which was definitely a challenge! The English to start with, not able to understand everything in the classes, getting used to accents and a different system. I got bad grades and another crisis. Why the hell am I here. I hate the fashion industry lol. I have always had care for nature and environment and I discovered an ethical fashion movement. This is it I thought and for my final year I chose to set up an ethical lingerie brand, complete with samples, photoshoot and businessplan. I took part in a program and competition with the project that changed my life. I broke up with my boyfriend feeling there was so much more of myself I needed to discover on my own and ended up in a deep grieving process and again existential crisis.

After living and working in London and getting stuck with my lingerie brand I packed my stuff, moved back to the Netherlands and hopped on the plane with a single ticket to Thailand to volunteer at a yoga and healing school. Without a laptop, contemplating to drop graphic design and switch career. But doing what and why? I got soaked up in the world of yoga, healing, tantra and self development. Not only did I find a new dream (become a teacher in the tantra field) I also discovered these people also need good branding to be taken seriously as entrepreneurs and facilitators, in a world that at that time was still very sceptic about anything spiritual. My target audience became the people I would meet traveling and with that, my passion for (digital) design returned. I discovered the purpose and potential of my skills.


Not good enough..

For many many years I carried the feeling that I wasn’t good enough. I charged very little for my services and always carried the fear that my price would be too much for my potential client. My next journey became to gain confidence and trust in myself. Other than that my skills and experience grew over time, I also did a lot of self development work to heal the wounded parts of myself that caused my confidence to be that low.

I can say I am a different person now. So proud of my journey and of course still growing and still healing, which will be a purpose for life and something to transfer to my daughter as well.

I can confidently say that today I am a pretty awesome intuitive designer. Absolutely love the clients I work with and cheer them on the gifts they bring to this world. My journey has given me the perfect toolkit for helping clients in the coaching and wellness field as I know it inside out.

My mission is to elevate fellow soul-preneurs’ businesses to the next level. To help them stand out from the crowd while aligning with their mission and vision and attracting their dream clients.

Starting your own business or taking the next step as an entrepreneur can be a frightening experience. Taking risks, big or small and challenging your status quo, pushes you to shift limiting beliefs you may carry.

I find that following my heart and intuition always takes me to the right choices. To trust that even if things do not go as planned, the right lessons for me to learn will show up. 🙏🏼

I am so grateful that you have read this far. I hope to have moved or inspired you in some way. Please know I am available for you to share about yourself. I’d love to connect. 💖



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